Legendary Renderer (Unity custom SRP)
For some time now I have been working on a Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline, a custom rendering solution I'm making to further my understanding and skillset within the computer graphics field, with the end goal of making it available to purchase for a small fee on the Unity asset store, to try and get a foot in the door as an asset creator, and general Unity developer.
Features planned and implemented include (implemented marked with a tick) in no specific order
- Forward shading with dynamic point, spot and directional lights plus shadow-mapping. ✅
- Physically Based Rendering (PBR) ✅
- Ray-marched volumetric lighting. ✅
- Point and spot light cookie texture support, with rendering to an atlas akin to the shadow-map atlas for these lights. ✅
- Post processing stack. ✅
- Post process effects such as: Desaturation ✅ Sharpening ✅ Bloom, Depth-of-Field, Tone-Mapping✅, Per-Pixel Motion-Blur✅, Ambient Occlusion.
- Tangent Space Normal Mapping ✅
- Percentage Closer Filtering for Shadow-Mapping ✅
- Forward+ rendering, using compute shaders to create a tile based light rendering system.
- Cubemap blending✅
- Volumetric lighting to be integrated into a volumetric fog system
- High Dynamic Range rendering (HDR) and HDR output on supported displays.
- Custom Editor GUI for post process stack
- Shading Models such as Cloth, Anisotropic Metal, Thin Film, Skin, Car Paint.
- Support for both PBR Specular-Gloss and PBR Metal-Roughness shading.
- Robust water rendering with support for wave-clipped reflection mapping for Oceans, Flow-Mapping for rivers and lakes, turbulent waves and force effectors (vortex, wake, wave) for Oceans.
- Screenspace Reflections
- Physically Based Sky Atmosphere Rendering
- DLSS (Unity plugin permitting)
- Raytracing (Shadows, Reflections)
- Meshlet Rendering (UE5 Nanite style mesh rendering)
- Real-Time Global Illumination (SDFGI)